About Our School

About Our School

Pui Ying Art School has been successfully instructing children and youths to reach great achievement in artistic painting and drawing Etc. for more than 24 years since 2000. Pui Ying Art School is well known and respected throughout the Chicago Chinese community.
Pui Ying Art School is the first registered Chinese & American Painting School in Chicago. Over the years, since its establishment in the year 2000, Thousands of students who enrolled at Pui Ying Art School, have made significant and great achievements in drawing and artistic painting.
In 2006 Pui Ying Art School received the “Excellent Organizer” award at the National Youth Art Competition Award Ceremony in San Francisco, among numerous awards and special recognition by city officials.
Each and every time Pui Ying Art School students participate in the numerous regional and nationwide art contests, Pui Ying Art School students have been honored with great prizes and awards. Ma Ying Li, the founder, says enthusiastically, "We are very proud of the accomplishments on the part of our students!"
pui Ying Art School's vision and mission implements SmarArt to deeply enrich the lives of our students and their families and community through creative connecitons to the visual arts. We also have professional and experienced music teachers. Our quarter system helps students advance quickly with their artistic goals in our SmartArt classes and allows for quarterly art celebrations graduations. 

Our Founder

The founder of Pui Ying Art School, Ma Ying Li, is an outstanding artist and a professional art teacher with more than 27 years of teaching experience.
In 2013, Miss Ma Ying Li received the “Outstanding Chinese” award at Global Chinese Celebrity Summit in Newark, CA. The summit also featured the issuance of 20 stamps featuring Ma Ying Li's own photographs, produced by the U.S. Postal Service for worldwide use.
She has been a guest teacher at several Chicago Public schools and has been honored by the Chicago Children’s Museum to be their Chinese traditional painting teacher and to participate in the celebration of Asian American Heritage Month with her students Art Exhibition at Chicago's Children's Museum a many years, along with her students. She also continues to learn new skills and techniques with which to challenge her students.
Miss Li designs her unique and proprietary teaching methods for kids, youth and adults, administers her classes and emphasizes learning with a combination of fun, creativity, and professional training. Miss Li’s devotion to community art education has been rewarded by the outstanding achievements of her students and appreciation from their parents.

Our Classes

Pui Ying Art School provides year-round art training classes. The classes are specially designed according to different levels of artistic training, age groups and specific requirements for students. The skills and aesthetic values that students learn to feature indoor and outdoor techniques and theories in both western and traditional Chinese styles.

Our Learning Path

The ultimate goal for all students is to have them master incremental skills and then creatively integrate them – from lines to colors, to still-life drawing inks and charcoal, to chinese painting and oil painying., from paper to canvas, to ceramics and rocks – into a minimum of ten comprehensive masterpieces at the coveted SmartMasterstm level capable of being placed in an art museum or gallery. Even though there is a clear path for students to progress to this level, each student is allowed to make progress at his or her own pace and build on their natural and learned talent.This allows students to accelerate their individuality in artistic expression and creativity.
The keys to student success here are a distinct combination of professional training, the maximizing of each student’s artistic individual potential and the highly motivating and unique progression of encouragement of imagination and originality.
The keys to student success here are a distinct combination of professional training, the maximizing of each student’s artistic individual potential and the highly motivating and unique progression of encouragement of imagination and originality.



培英美术学校自2000年创办以来,培养了大批优秀的绘画艺术人才,享誉整个大芝加哥地区及华人社区. 2006年该校荣获全美“最佳美术学校组织奖”。学生参加全美及地区绘画比赛,参赛的学生每次都获大奖。名列前茅,历年来取得辉煌成绩。 教学采用多元化,中、西结合, 室内、外写生,根据不同年龄, 不同绘画程度和不同的求学要求,针对性的教授传统绘画技法, 并利用最新绘画教材系统地进行绘画理论方面的学习。专业绘画技巧与充分发挥学生天分及培养独立创作。
创办人李玛瑛, 是一位杰出的艺术家和超过27年教学经验的专业美术教师,现任培英美术学校校长.2013年华商名人峰会(Newark, CA),李玛瑛以杰出的艺术教育成就,荣获“杰出华裔成就奖”.峰会并特发由李玛瑛本人相片编印邮票20枚, 由美国邮政监制, 全球通行的邮票.
李玛瑛曾多次被邀请到芝加哥儿童博物馆工作访教授中华文化艺术授教国画等,她具有全面的美术教学经验, 对儿童、青少年及成人均有独特的教学方法, 注重培养学生绘画兴趣和绘画技巧相结合。她的使命是提供高质艺术学院,创造性和专业指导。她的信念是,美术不仅对绘画和绘画艺术的了解,而且对社会带来的改善。美术给人民一个更好的个人平台。
芝加哥培英美术学校自2000年创办以来, “啟发青少年儿童艺术创意,塑造美术专业才能” 是培英美术学校的办学宗旨.
李玛瑛的使命是提供高质量艺术专业指导。她的信念是: 美术不仅是对绘画和绘画艺术的了解,美术给人以美感享受,丰富多元的精神生活,提升人们的生活品质。
培英美术学校学生作品多次在芝加哥艺术学院Chicago Art institute 及儿童博物馆展出.
2023年台湾同盟联合会举办的全美及芝加哥少年、儿童绘画大赛, 培英美术学校的十位学生各组分别荣获奖项:
幼儿组:第一名:Olivia, 佳作:Valerie.
儿童组:第一名:Quinnie, 第二名 Kevin, 第三名 Cody,佳作 Elizabeth.
少年组:第一名:Elaina, 第二名 Jun, 第三名 Elsa, 佳作 Lucy.
少年组: 第一名:Elsa, 第三名:Jun.
幼儿组: 第二名:Olivia, 佳作:Valerie
儿童组:第二名:Kevin, 佳作: Cody.
2022年台湾同盟聯合會舉辦的全美及芝加哥少年、儿童繪畫大賽,  培英美术学校的十位学生各组分别获奖名单:
幼儿组: 第一名:Myli, 第二名: Evelyn, 第三名: Lewis.
儿童组:第一名: Elsa, 佳作:Ivan, Emily.
少年组:第一名: Sophie, 第二名:Lauren, 佳作 :Audrey和 Ally.
少年组第一名:Sophie. 儿童组和幼儿组第二名分别是:Elsa、Myli.
2019年台灣同盟聯合會舉辦的少年、儿童繪畫大賽,  培英美术学校的十二位学生以杰出作品,荣获前三名奖项。
2018年芝加哥台湾同乡联谊会“美丽美国”儿童绘画比赛中, 培英美术学校的七位学生在比赛全部获奖,在8-11岁儿童组的比赛中,学生Sophie Li 荣获第一名,Fani Mo荣获第二名,Cherry Ng荣获第三名。Anna Shao、Celeste Chen和 Jessica Gao 获优胜奖。其中有Cindy Chen勇奪少年組第二名, 被选派前往美國洛杉機参加总决赛, 荣获第三名.
2016年台灣同盟聯合會舉辦的少年、儿童繪畫大賽,  培英美术学校的七位学生以杰出作品, 擊敗了眾多对手,荣获奖项。其中Michelle Wu勇奪芝加哥少年組第一名, 被选前往美國洛杉機参加总决赛荣获第二名。
2014年培英美术学校乔迁新校址桥港区, 隆重举办开张典礼暨2014培英美术学校师生画展开幕式,伊利诺州州务卿-杰西•怀特Jesse White先生于开幕典礼上致词肯定,表彰该校对社区教育的贡献。各界嘉宾对培英美术学校在促进社区艺术教育、弘扬中国传统文化方面的杰出成就表示祝贺。
2012年, 小画家彭锦惠(Sylvia Peng )十三岁参加绘画大赛两幅作品荣获第一名。她参加她的校区 Darien 西郊举办的绘画比赛,有超过690多人的参赛。她的两幅油画脱颖而出荣获第一名。一幅是: “西瓜” 油画写生荣获第一名及特等奖. 另一幅油画是“白衣少女”荣获第一名。油画“西瓜”巡回展览,在 Indian Prairiein Darien 公立图书馆展出。
2012年5月彭锦惠參加台灣同盟聯合會舉辦的少年、儿童繪畫大賽, 她以杰出作品, 擊敗了眾多的选手, 再一次勇奪少年組第二名。十二月在美國洛杉機領奖。
2012年5月, 本校慶祝五月亞裔藝術節畫展, 應北美信託公司之邀請,在芝加哥市中心該公司一樓舉辦盛大畫展, 37幅培英美術學校部份學生的高水準的藝術作品,展品包括中國國畫、油畫、水粉、素描寫生等。
2009年芝加哥儿童博物馆特选三家美术学校参加他们举办的“Snow MuchFun” 画展,其中培英美术学校被选为画展单位之一,部分学生们集体创作了一巨幅画,命题: “冬日乐趣”。
2008年应芝加哥儿童博物馆的邀请, 为弦扬中华文化, 隆重举办了中国最大的节日“春节”画展。同年五月培英美术学校被挑选参加芝加哥社区画展在芝城儿童博物馆举行, 参展的集体创作巨幅画作“华埠风采”受到好评。
在2006年全美青少年绘画大赛上,培英美术学校11 位学生的作品再次在全国范围的激烈竞争中摘取殊荣,而培英美术学校本身,也获得“最佳学校组织奖”,为芝加哥市争得了荣誉。
2005年被市儿童博物馆特邀参加中国文化交流《孙悟空旅游中国》 画展。培英的优秀作品获得极佳的评价。

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